Imam Santoso

Imam Santoso
(b. 1986) Both a conservator at the National Museum of Indonesia as well as a professional artist, Imam Santoso’s colorful and intricately surreal artworks reflect his motivations as preservator of culture, home, and life. Born in the country’s artistic capital of Yogyakarta, Imam graduated from the Fine Arts Department of the Indonesian Art Institute, after which beginning a professional art career in earnest. He was awarded United Overseas Bank (UOB) Painting of the Year in 2011, and has exhibited in Indonesia, Malaysia, Hungary, Korea, and now the Philippines.


Exbition Image

Fade To White

Dec 2 - 17, 2023

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Alone But Never Lonely: Modern and Contemporary Art Fest (MoCAF) 2023

July 28 - 30, 2023

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Rock, Paper, Scissors

Dec 6 - 27, 2022

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The Past of the Future

June 4 - 16, 2022

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Chromatic Permutations

November 30 - December 15, 2021


Imam Santoso

Human Reality

Imam Santoso

8.5 x 11 inches Ballpoint pen on paper


Imam Santoso

Woman Empire

Imam Santoso

51.25 x 43.25 inches Acrylic on canvas


Imam Santoso


Imam Santoso

39.25 x 31.5 inches Acyrlic on canvas


Imam Santoso

I Have A Light

Imam Santoso

27.5 x 19.75 inches Acrylic on canvas


Imam Santoso


Imam Santoso

acrylic on canvas 40 x 30 inches (100 x 80 cm)