Rediscovering the ritual of rest, Regina Reyes’ second solo exhibition presents collages, photographs, and prints from images gathered while understanding the significance of Sunday as a day of respite. Remembering biblical and historical references while considering the contemporary phenomenon of the weekend, Reyes took note of her routine encounters throughout the day: a slow-paced shift at her day job; a quiet morning where one can easily slip one’s agenda to keep the steadiness of the day until afternoon and well into the evening.
Decreed by Constantine I as the day of prayer, tradition mandates many of us to keep the sanctity of such command —a day of rest and reflection is enforced. Perhaps, the evolution of the human body can recognize the days when we are supposed to work and when we are supposed to rest.
Reyes believes a universe is a place where construction and demolition are constant. We are always moving and unfixed, even in periods of grief, desolation, and frenzy. And perhaps, the day of rest persuades us to believe in pursuing moments of recess and ease. The Italian have a phrase for it, “Il Dolce Far Niente” or the art of doing nothing. In this exhibition, Reyes sends herself in this pursuit: walks, bike rides, naps. That, in the process of letting ourselves take up and breathe space, we begin to construct more places of comfort and relief. For now, Reyes imagines these places through her work. Someday, maybe on a gloomy afternoon or maybe on a sunny day, those of us who had long died and burrowed underneath the shrouds of a demanding world could rise again.
notes by Gwen Bautista